Common name:
HUMBOLDT PENGUINScientific name:
Spheniscus humboldtiClass:
Perù – ChileDiet:
fish – shellfishHabitat:
Along Watercourses, lakes and the seaReproduction:
spawn: 2 – Incubation: 40-42 days -
The Humboldt penguin lives on the coasts of South America, from Chile to Peru’. Its average height is 68 cm. It mainly eats blue fish. Penguins form stable couples that can last their lifetime. They nest in shaded areas and usually lay 2 eggs. Males and females alternate in the nesting. The weaning of the newborns varies from 55 to 120 days.
All penguins are excellent swimmers and concentrate in areas rich in krill (small crustaceans eaten also by whales) fish or squid.
Spheniscus humboldti
Spheniscus humboldti
Spheniscus humboldti