Common name:
COUGARScientific name:
Puma concolorClass:
Prefers dry areas and mountainReproduction:
93 days, 1-6 puppies for childbirth -
The Puma, also known as “mountain lion or cougar” is a solitary animal. Common in the past in the whole American territory, the Puma nowadays has disappeared from many regions due to hunting. It inhabits both the cold northern woods , the humid tropical forests and the Pampas in Argentina, while in North America it prefers rocky grounds abundant in bushes.
It has a mantle of mutating colors that are mainly reddish and brown. It is a very skilled climber and is able to make jumps 13 meters long and 4 to 5 meters high. For short distances, it is able to run at speeds close to 80 km/h.
It hunts animals of any size and kills them with an ambush technique. The female gives birth to 1 to 7 cubs after a gestation of 3 months.
Puma concolor
Puma concolor
Puma concolor